Zwei Tipps für Ihre (Karriere-)Strategie

Die Zeit „zwischen den Jahren“ ist für viele eine gute Gelegenheit, etwas zur Ruhe zu kommen, über das abgeschlossene Jahr zu reflektieren und Ideen oder sogar konkrete Ziele und Pläne für das kommende zu entwickeln. Und wenn das vielleicht zeitlich [...]

2022-12-30T09:35:08+02:00Dezember 30th, 2022|0 Kommentare

Strategy Explorer Erklärvideos

Als audiovisuelle Ergänzung zum Buch und den verschiedenen Artikeln gibt es auf meinem Youtube-Kanal auch ausführliche Erklärvideos zur Strategy Explorer Methode. In den Videos beschreibe ich den Prozess und erläutere jeden Schritt anhand des Öko-Meat Beispiels, das sich auch im [...]

2022-02-07T16:28:55+02:00Februar 7th, 2022|0 Kommentare

Step 6 – Strategy Formulation

Did you ever ask employees of an organization about its strategy? You might be surprised by the variety of answers – although all work for the same employer. Ideally, everyone working in an organization should have a common understanding of [...]

2020-03-05T15:53:49+02:00März 5th, 2020|2 Kommentare

Step 4 – From Observations to Actions

Without a clear understanding of the environment we would be in the dark and business success just a question of luck. Therefore, I hope you had many fruitful discussions and inspiring insights in the previous step of analyzing the environment [...]

2020-01-12T12:33:19+02:00Januar 12th, 2020|0 Kommentare

Step 3 – Mapping the outside world

Whether you are a start-up with a brand new product, a well-established company in a seemingly stable market or a sports club facing changing social trends – no organization or other subject is independent of the developments in the outside [...]

2019-12-12T17:16:11+02:00Dezember 12th, 2019|0 Kommentare

Step 2 – What is your Goal?

Strategy development needs a clear goal – otherwise, it will be difficult to devise the proper way to achieve, well, what exactly? By definition, a strategy is a long-term plan to achieve a specific goal. There are other definitions, but [...]

2019-11-20T09:15:39+02:00November 20th, 2019|0 Kommentare

Step 1 – What is your strategy about?

Welcome to the first article in a small series on how to use the Strategy Explorer, my new canvas-based method for strategy development. As described earlier, the process of strategy development with the Strategy Explorer consists of six steps and [...]

2019-10-08T11:30:09+02:00Oktober 8th, 2019|0 Kommentare
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